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July 26th, 2015
SELAH~ Definition
an expression occurring frequently in the Psalms, thought to be a liturgical or musical direction, probably a direction by the leader to raise the voice or perhaps an indication of a pause.
As I was Pondering the expression of Words through the expression of this Art piece made, The Lord was stirring my heart and ministering to me through this piece. He was reminding me of several things that encouraged me to pass along to you all. Selah in this piece is pausing and reflecting on His promises. Why then I thought to take time out to pause and reflect ? Reflecting and mediating on His Word and or Prophetic words given to us will cause a faith to arise as we begin to believe that yes, all things are possible, that yes, he said in his word that he would perform it, that yes, God is NOT a liar and when He says He is going to do something in you or for you ,then believe that he will do it. (Rd- Jeremiah 1:12)
His Word has a bunch of collective testimonies of past peoples before our time who has a story to tell that God heals, delivers, saves, reveals and gives hope. (Rd- Revelation 12:11) They too were given prophetic words over their life, or situation and for some did not see it come to pass until years later.
The ingredient they had in words spoken to them through the prophets was believe. As it says in scripture believe in the Lord's prophets and you will prosper (RD- 2 Chronicles 20:20) . "Believe" is spoken 289 times in the Word.
The Israelites were given several promises over the years by God and some did not see it come to pass in their life time, however it still came to pass in God's time line such as a recent of our day with Israel becoming a nation in a day in 1946. ( Rd- Isaiah 66:7-8)
God sets His word to perform it. And our requirement is to believe him and hold unto His word, His promises. And specific words spoken over us by the Lord's prophets. Paul reminded Timothy of prophetic words spoken to him as in scripture: (RD- 1 Timothy 1:18)
And As we take our Selah moment in His word, God is reminded us still today of His promises to us. If you have not received a prophetic word, then Read His word and grab promises from His word and remind him of those promises. Read His WORD and GRAB His Promises from it regardless if you received a prophetic word or not. ( Rd- 1 Timothy 4:5) Pray through the word of God. And He will set to perform it.
I speak this from experience. I have had desire's of my heart that God blessed me with. And They are stories of my kids. From my first to which I prayed him in and asked God for a Boy ,even calling him out by name before He existed , to My second Son when he was formed after my first prayed him in for a year starting at the age of 3 because he was lonely and wanted a brother, to my girls when God showed me in 20001 that I was going to have a daughter. Through seasons of prayer, and the wait God would confirm it again and again through other people telling me I was going to have a girl. She then came 8 years later, and her sister my last birth child just 2 years ago. My kids are my promises come to pass that I took my Selah moments and prayed them in, believing that they would come. God is Good and His LOVE endures forever. ;)
So I encourage you today to pause and reflect on His word, and those promises of prophetic words spoken to you as it will surely come to pass. Don't let it go but trust that God is NOT dead and He is still alive and he WILL set to perform His word.
How do we know what he has promised unless we take time to spend it reading in His word. If you're like I was in some seasons of hard to read and get much into the WORD, ,I was able to press in through reading it out loud, and by listening to it in audio as the Word says: Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the WORD of GOD. Your Spirit will begin to get nourished once again and you'll then developed a good habit of Getting into His Word. As that seed will grow into a strong tree planted by living waters in your soul.
May You have your Selah Moments and be encouraged today.
" Selah" The Hebrew above the word Selah is written in Hebrew for the same word 'Selah" And the art piece represents one who pauses and reflects on God's word and His Promises. The Tree is planted by living waters, It's Decorated in Treasures like the Pearls as in Scripture of the Pearl about heaven, the Heart shaped watch as meaning spending time with him day and night as my heart is set on him. And the Star of David is meaning His Symbol of history and that He (Jesus is still Jewish) And my heart has been and still remains for the Jews. And then there is the word of God that the lion of Judah is resting on as is the Bride in the night reading in her hand. Jesus is the Lion of Judah and His presence is with her. The Bride looks with her eyes opened and heart rested as she reflects on His Word, On His Promises. And the Image shows both day light and Night as to show His Presence is with her day and Night.
July 23rd, 2015
About a month ago last June 2015 after over a year of rest of creating any new work of Art , the Lord lead me to sketch in my book. As I was just creating with God. I began to see a picture come up. Wanting to get more effects to the new quick sketch I transferred it to my computer for the rest in the tools provided. And finished it off with a Poem.
I then could see what the Lord was saying through all of this. And He lead me deeper in His word that which He longs for me to share with you now.
I sense in this time as we have heard a great deal of news from all sorts of Media that fear has began to rise in the hearts of many. And even to the point of distractions on others from taking a pause at their calling because of so much news of this and of that on Governments, people hurting people and the like that has brought recent destruction in various places in natural disasters.
And I feel at this time, God is encouraging HIs people to keep His eyes on him in the storm, And NOT on the storms around you. I sense God is saying keep running the race. And proclaim my good news to those who have yet to hear. With the heart of man these days who feel there is no hope, What a better time as we who carry that hope inside of us to still spread the good news of His Love, of the message of Christ Jesus.
I also Sense God saying that we our self Need to take time out and time in that secret place with him. Feeling ourselves with the Joy of the Lord. The Joy of our salvation. So that we ourselves Do NOT end up walking in man's fear, but instead in a Holy fear of the Lord. And Staying Strong in our Spirit Man. Resting in the Peace of God. I know that when I praise him, or listen to worship that causes His presence to manifest peace, I feel much better. I can then handle much more what may come, Because the Joy of the Lord is my strength.
Take time out to hear The King of Kings Song of Love of you. So that you can carry that Same Never Changing Still Commissioned message out to those around you in the midst of any storms that may come.
Scriptures below related to the message:
Mark 16:15
15He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
Luke 9:6
6 So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.
Proverbs 15:30
30 Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart,
and good news gives health to the bones.
Nehemiah 8:10
10 Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.[a]
Psalms 51:12
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
1 Corinthians 14:15
15 So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding.
Psalm 96:2
2 Sing to the LORD, praise his name;
proclaim his salvation day after day.
Psalm 95
1 Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD;
let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Psalm 108
1 My heart, O God, is steadfast;
I will sing and make music with all my soul.
Psalm 59:16
16 But I will sing of your strength,
in the morning I will sing of your love;
for you are my fortress,
my refuge in times of trouble.
Psalm 57:09
9 I will praise you, Lord, among the nations;
I will sing of you among the peoples.
Little Song Bird
Letting Go
To See the World Above
Trusting in His Father’s Care
And Know that He Is Loved.
with a mission to sing a Song
spreading Joy
All day long
Learning how to fly these Wings
As This little Song bird Sings
Changing hearts and Changing Kings
In hearing the message of this Song bird Sing.
Singing Always ~ "I Love you"
From the King of Kings
~Poem by: Jen Page
April 7th, 2014
"Doing a new Thing"
Some of you reading this maybe wondering Why I've started adding New works Not Familiar with what you know me to do such as Biblical Art, Prophetic Art, And Christian only Art.
Yet, Most of you haven't been able to see my full galleries as these are works that have been built up since 2006'. I still have a lot more to post as Soon I will post all of my illustrated poetry. It takes time to post work with all the descriptions and tags info.
However, I am expanding and Doing a NEW Thing. I'm lead by God to Expand my Wings in New Art Forms for reasons as such like some people groups who are just wanting a Scenic or abstract and when they buy that piece they want to feel comfortable with that piece of work. Not Just for the pleasure of viewing the Art piece, But to feel something good from it.
I have a Friend who is a Professional Designer. She stated that she has had clients buy Art pieces that looked good on the outside, but after they bought it and put it up on the wall, they began to get nightmares or feel uneasy in their home or office.
You see what most people don't understand that the art you buy or make carries a spiritual presence. Even if the Artist is NOT spiritual in nature, the Artist has worked their emotions in that piece of work. And If the Artist Was in a dark place in their life while creating the piece of Art, It can come out in that piece, even if it was just a simple Scenic view of Art piece.
So when you buy Art, consider the source from which the Artist believes, or practices.
For such reason, I have expanded to paint works such as Abstracts, Scenic’s, and more beyond just biblical to which I will still add to my gallery collection. I'm providing a safe place for buyers that when they buy my Art piece, what presence will come from that piece of work are Peace, Joy, Love, and a feeling of security.
Doing a New Thing~
Be mindful of what you Buy.
The Art Piece Posted for this blog post is" Abstract Springtime Dance" Made with Digital tools.
{The "Fine art America" watermark in all my art posted for sale on bottom right corner is for Internet display only to discourage theft. It will NOT be printed on the product}
Kingdom Artist,
Jennifer Page
April 2nd, 2014
“Prayer is the Key”
Prayer is not a mysterious practice reserved only for clergy and the religiously devout. Prayer is simply communicating with God—listening and talking to him. Believers can pray from the heart, freely, spontaneously, and in their own words.
PRAYER is the beginning of having a relationship with GOD. Whether you pray to Him for hours on your knees or while your washing dishes. The important thing is that you're making a CONNECTION with Him.
Prayer connects you to the source who loves you the most: God ~ Jesus
One of my favorite scripture prayers to pray: "Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain."
1 Chronicles 4:10
~If God granted such a prayer to an Old Testament man. ~ Than how much more would He grant that for us today through the Power of Jesus Christ?
Take time to connect with God today whether on your knees, doing dishes, driving, etc. He is always listening and ready to respond back.
~And Yes, God does respond back, but sometimes we rush our prayers and don’t take any time to listen. God can speak to us through His Word (The Holy Bible), through that small quite voice in our hearts (for some who don’t know what this is~ Have you ever heard of the term, my conscience is talking to me?)He is talking even if you haven’t believed in him yet.
Prayer is the Key to connect to God, to walk into the next door of your destiny. The bible also says: Ask, Seek, and Knock~ Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. "For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
Matthew 7:7-8
God Bless you,
Kingdom Artist,
Jennifer Page
March 31st, 2014
Dear Precious Reader,
Whatever steps you're on today be intentional as you keep looking to Him! He makes your feet like the feet of a deer. He lightens your load so much that you hardly notice the jagged rocks beneath your feet or the steepness of your ascent. And before you know it, you are on the high places with Him! Remember He's Sovereign. He will not help you go along a path that is not His choice for you!
The Sovereign LORD is my strength!
He makes me as surefooted as a deer,
able to tread upon the heights.
Habakkuk 3: 19,
Even youths will become weak and tired,
and young men will fall in exhaustion.
But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40: 30 – 31
Commit everything you do to the LORD.
Trust him, and he will help you
Psalm 37: 5
Kingdom Artist,
Jennifer Page
Artwork: “ My Soul Longs for You”
March 30th, 2014
Be wise as Serpents and gentle as doves. Don't be so gullible to believe every tom, Ann or Harry if they have a word from God to you. Or proclaimed far out stuff to which i will keep my mouth shut and not say in order to keep the peace.
We are to test the word. In fact, If I give you a word, please test that word. The Holy Spirit will make it known to you.
Their is a part in scripture where it... says believe in the Lord's prophets and you shall prosper. Yet please don't receive a word if you get a check in your spirit or if its sounds condemning or brings confusion.
Plus what is the fruit been given in the word? Is Love coming out of it?
What is the agenda of the person giving the word to you?
Galatians 5:23 on the 9 fruits of the spirit is helpful to weigh a word out.
I've made both hits and misses in a word as even in prophetic training and still feel like I'm in school. I'm able to eat humble pie if I missed it. But that's OK. As I've also learned that we also prophecy in part and there is not one know it all on earth. As Jesus takes the cake on that.
And I've seen my words or learned of them later come to pass.
I'm willing to let people practice giving a word to me as I needed that same Grace. But I'm warey of given a word to every single person I meet without getting permission from Holy Spirit first and being lead because God knows if that person needs to hear straight from him or not in that hour as to not cripple someone's walk in the Lord if all they want is a word all the time and not try to spend time with God themselves.
Side Note~ I Love Heaven and Hell testimonials of those who experiences these things and are able to talk about it such as the website that has many of those accounts on ( Mary .K Baxter and 23 minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese are both good and by many believers have been considered proven) , but I question accounts of those that say you go to hell for wearing Jewelry or blue Jeans. And I question those that say people have said or felt stressed in heaven like I've heard of a claim of one who said such a thing in a personal group at another social media site. Its good and Healthy to get a biblical perspective on both Heaven and Hell accounts of those testimonials as long as it lines up with the word of God.
Don't be stubborn to never receive a word and miss a blessing only to abort it, but don't be gullible either and fall on your face for received misguided negative word. Who is behind it? Fear or Love?
~ Kingdom Artist,
Jennifer Page
Image Print is called " Holy Light"
March 29th, 2014
I’m speaking about the one true and unfaultable word of God. “The Holy Bible”
A book that has been profound at culture changes, wars, peace, pronounced many miracles, healings, deliverances, and much wisdom. A book that has proven Science, as it was written first many years prior to the Scientists today proven the Word is true.
Those Scientist for the most part we call Creationist. They are the optimistic side of Science. They proof the living word by using Science for just that reason. Here are some resources on the subject:
And in some cultures today you have those who have much access to the Holy Bible with the Freedoms in that country much like America to Read and do what the word says to do, to spend time with God in His word eating the Spiritual Bread that our Spirit man needs and craves to be strong, yet in that same culture such as Americans on some people as I don’t want to say every single American does this, Is NOT taking advantage of the word that sits right in front of us. Instead the Bible collects dust, The Bible app on the I phone is Not read that much compared to time spent on Social media sites. And it seems it has become a fast food society even in the word. Just skimming through looking for something quick to fill up and move on. Yes, And as an American, I have been guilty of doing such that.
When I eat too much Fast Food, I get heavy and large. I get tired and lazy starts to creep in. Then, Comes the stage and season of going back to healthy eating and exercise to lose all that access weight that have been built up because of wanting to go easy and fast to move on to the next project.
I remember, the good old days when my Mom would cook and we really barely went to any fast food. Mainly it wasn’t in my town where I grew up and we had money used for other things. But, it was nice. We not only ate healthier, but we grew as a family by eating together at the dinner table. Today, my family and I do just that. We eat together. We catch up on our day as we get to know each other little better to strengthen our bond. It’s also like that with spending time with God in His Word.
I know God is speaking today reminding each of us of what we can do, be, experience, overcome, partake in just by getting into His word. You might be one that doesn’t like to read much, Then I encourage you to try out several things such as: Listen to the Bible on bible app or Bible CD for just by listening as the scripture says: Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. ~
Another Thing to jump start yourself is read in Psalms. As that has several small chapters. Read it out loud. You could begin to memorize the word to help build your faith and desire to be active in the word again by Writing down some Bible verses and memorize about 1 once a week, or if you have a hard time doing that, then memorize a new scripture once a month. All of this is great ideas to help active you in reading more of the Word of God. To also show yourself approved. As you never know when your going to need to know that word of God to minister to other people.
I’m sure some of you reading this Blog are from other countries that have much less freedoms than Americans do especially Believers, and yet Love the word, some of you may not have much access to it.
For that, I do pray for you. And I desire your hunger for the word says: Those who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness will be filled. I believe with what little you have in the Word or Freedoms. God can multiply that to you in your life.~ For He can make known to you those things which seem hidden.
I just don’t write about things that I haven’t experienced myself, and I have done both on being active in the Word and barely at all. I have noticed that my senses are heightened and My Spiritual walk strong when I get more in the word. The Atmosphere in the house Shifts and the Presence of God is more known in my house because the Bible is being dusted off the Shelve or coffee table.
Remember that God speaks to us in His Word. Not just through people. But His word will NOT pass away. It will always remain.
And an added side note that I have found has been a blessing, is praying in the Word of God. Taking what’s in the Bible and praying those scriptures, reminding God of His word, to which God sets out to perform His word, As Well as His Holy Angels who are activated by the Word of God.
I pray that this post as encouraged you to get active again in the word. To read it, speak it, believe it and use it. Then you will see Miracles happen.
For More encouragement and Worship Art Videos please check out:
God Tube/4himpaintings
-Kingdom Artist Jennifer Page